..where do we begin? Let’s go with the beginning…
It was 15 years ago in Mexico that a love for spicy food and chilli sauces was really ignited. Up until then whilst growing up in England, a lot of curries were eaten but not the hot ones and the chilli sauce option on a late-night kebab was never taken!
However, one night standing at a small street-side pizza shack, a good friend and I splashed our numerous pizza slices with some mind blowing, very hot chilli sauces….and a passion was born. Since then the chilli heat tolerance level has significantly increased, but it is still way behind you chilli contest participants and daredevils who sign a restaurant waiver before eating their insanely hot chicken wings (tried it once, never again)!

“We hope we can contribute to this booming community and if we are lucky, add a little bit of spice too!”
Now moving to Sweden and away from England’s thousands of amazing curry houses and banging jerk shacks, it’s a little harder to get the spicy hot chilli kick you sometimes need to remind you you’re alive. So we grew some chilli’s to make our own hot sauces, curries, marinades, and chilli powders.
Creating chilli sauce and spicy marinades is something we have done for fun for ourselves, friends and family. Now we have stepped into the commercial world and the best part is…… we are still having fun!
Having left a corporate working life behind us; we are fully immersing ourselves into a world of local production, farming, foody stuff and other ventures that will bring happiness to the plate and life.
We are based on Öland, a beautiful Island off the south east coast of Sweden, renowned for its picturesque beaches and excellent farming. There is already a thriving community of exceptional local artisan and commercial producers making Sweden and the world a better place. We hope we can contribute to this booming community and if we are lucky, add a little bit of spice too!
Our plan is to grow all the chilli used in our sauces, rubs, oils, with the chilli’s also becoming a part of the Pappi’s range, seeds, seedlings, fresh pods, smoked pods, dried, dehydrated and more. We will be present at as many markets possible, run various food stalls enabling you to sample our tasty spicy treats. Basically, we would love for as many people as possible to try and enjoy Pappi’s Chilli Farm’s offerings!
Pappi food, happy mood!